Monday 9 April 2012

Inspiration is a Bastard.

This week I've decided that inspiration is a fickle bitch. Normally when I decide 'Today I must sit down and do some writing!' I get settled down with my laptop or a pad of paper and a pen and absolutely nothing comes to me. I'm sure its happened to you all at some point or another. But now I have a project I'm determined to get written the ideas are coming to me thick and fast, only they aren't ideas for this project.
Over the course of the last week I've had a dozen ideas for other projects, some big, some small, some promising, and some which are (I'll admit it freely) terrible. The problem is I'm spending most of my free time on my current project, and with only a week before work starts again I want as much of it done as possible. I have to say its coming along well at the moment, I'm solidly into the third chapter now and the story is starting to take shape even if I have yet to reveal my main characters name or what he looks like yet (there is a reason behind it I swear). In fact I've yet to even reveal any elements of the supernatural into this supernatural mystery of mine.
But the problem is I have these other ideas teasing at my brain and I'd love a chance to perhaps work on them a little so I had a little idea. Elsewhen Press (with whom one of my short stories is published) do a little thing on their website called milliFictions which are short stories of a thousand words or less, and I was thinking of trying to condense some my ideas to be publishable as a milliFiction.
So I encourage you to visit the Elsewhen Press website and click on the milliFictions link. Read the ones already there and look for my own which will be added soon hopefully. My own ideas will be penned and edited on the days where I feel I need a little break from my main project.


Amy (Limey YA Lit Girl) said...

I am jealous. I get inspiration rarely, and I only get about one workable idea a year - for some weird reason, the only books I finish are always started in May! Must be something to do with Spring and new life etc...

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